Server Paths, FFmpeg, Video Issues and Installation

Servers Configuration: (most servers)

PHP Version 5.2.6
GD Version 2.0.34
GIF Read Support: is activated
JPG Support: is activated
PNG Support: is activated
MySQL database 4.1.22

Server Settings: (see the phpinfo click here )

upload_max_filesize 200mega
post_max_size 200mega
memory_limit 100M
safe_mode is deactivated
allow_url_fopen is activated
file_uploads is activated
open_basedir is deactivated

This values can be altered by using the .HTACCESS file on your web space, for example the 800 mega max. upload size is very large, we recommend that you dont allow videos files of more then 200 mega, or very soon your web space will be full....
For example on your .htaccess file you could enter this values:

php_value upload_max_filesize 200M
php_value post_max_size 200M
php_value output_buffering on
php_value max_execution_time 6000
php_value max_input_time 6000
php_value session.gc_maxlifetime 24000

Server Paths: (test click here)

usr/bin/php or
PHP command line interface
PHP CLI /usr/local/bin/php

If you need help dont hesitate to contact us.

Red5 paths:

If you want play a bit with Red5: